Beliefs & Principles

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Willmar is a beacon of religious liberalism for West Central Minnesotans, welcoming all who wish to grow spiritually, no matter what your background is. This is a congregation in which you might meet Buddhists, theists, Humanists, agnostics, Christians, and more. … read more.

About UUCW

Our History

The Unitarian Society of Willmar had its earliest roots among immigrant families – especially Hollander, but to a limited degree also some Scandinavian – who came into this farming area. These people became quite dissatisfied with the dogmatism and inconsistencies in the religions they … read more.


Service Schedule

Unitarian Universalism: Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.
Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Willmar!

With historical roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition, our liberal religion keeps an open mind to the spiritual questions people have asked for centuries. A key purpose … read more.